Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies

Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies


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200 Million Subscribers

Axiata Group Berhad f improf 271x271 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies Axiata is one of the leading telecommunication companies of Asia. It was established in 1992 having permanent headquarter in Kuala Lumpur. It was originally known as TM internationals. Their interests in mobile operators are in Bangladesh, Cambodia, Malaysia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka. They as well have interest in India, Singapore and Iran.


 209 Million Subscribers

vimpelcom f improf 394x295 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies
VimpelCom Ltd provides globally telecommunication services provider but their major revenue comes from Russia and Italy. Their registered office is in Amsterdam. They are operating different Brands, for instance Beeline, Kyivstar, Wind, Djezzy, Mobilink, Banglalink are few of them. They are holding more than twenty countries for their services. It was established in 1992.


 212.75 Million Subscribers

china unicom f improf 279x279 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies China united Netcom Ltd was established in 1994. It has it’s headquarter is in Beijing. It is a state owned telecommunication operator. They are providing services in their own country on priority bases. They as well provide wireless and GSM services.


226.3 Million Subscribers

orange mobile company f improf 401x402 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies
This is a French telecommunication company and provides services for mobile, land-line and internet as well. This is one of the leading services providers. It was originally started by the United Kingdom but latter acquired by the France telecom in 2000. It has it’s headquarter is in Paris and they provide services in mobile, land-line, internet, IP telephony and TV.


231.87 Million Subscribers

telefonica Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies
This is a Spanish telecommunication company. They have wide network that covers Europe, United States and as well as Latin America. Its permanent headquarter is in Madrid. They provide services in cell phones, land-line, internet, telephony and for digital TV.


245.337 Million Subscribers

airtel logo f improf 438x245 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies
Airtel is an Indian company and known as Bharti Airtel Limited. It has its setup in more than twenty countries including South Asia, Africa and India as well. It is the largest company and provides services in all across the India. It was established in 1995 with permanent headquarter in New Delhi. They provide GSM Network in all above mentioned countries with 2G, 3G and 4G services. They give their services for land-line telephony, internet, digital TV and IT.


246.00 Million Subscribers

America Movil f improf 469x274 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies This is the Mexican telecommunication company. It was established in 2000. Its headquarter is in Mexican city. It is a largest company and provides services in 18 countries. They provide services in land-line, mobile telephony, fixed line internet, broadband, digital TV and for IT. It is a parent company of Telmex, Claro, Telcel and TracFone wireless.


326.00 Million Subscribers

telenor1 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies
This is the Norwegian company and has its set up in Scandinavian states, Eastern Europe and Asia. They provide services under the name of Telenor. It has it’s headquarter is in Fornebu, Norway. They offer services for fixed line, mobile telephony, internet, digital television, IT network and for IP TV.


439.601 Million Subscribers

vodafone logo f improf 431x300 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies
This is originally a British but a multinational telecommunication company. They invested in both NASDAQ and LSE. It was established in 1991 and currently it has it’s headquarter is in London. They provide services for fixed line, mobile telephony, and internet and for digital TV. They provide services in all most 30 countries and having partnership network in more than 40 countries. They own 45% of Verizon wireless that is perhaps the largest telecommunication companies of United States.


667.20 Million Subscribers

ChinaMobile f improf 477x318 Top 10 Mobile Phone Operating Companies And according to our list the China-Mobile got first position in the top ten list. This is the Chinese national telecommunication company. It provides services for mobile phones and multimedia. They provide services for Hong Kong, China and for Pakistan. It was established in 1997 and provides services for fixed line, mobile telephony, and internet and for digital TV.

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